Bina is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research (ICPR), Birkbeck, University of London.
Current projects
- A National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) study looking at the unmet treatment needs for heroin, crack and dependent alcohol users led by the University of York.
- A Dawes Trust-funded study on Tackling Online Fraud – in collaboration with The Police Foundation and Crest Advisory.
Recent projects
- Home Office evaluations of drug treatment, enforcement and diversion programmes led by Kantar Public: Project ADDER and Place-Based Accelerators programme.
- A Kantar Public-led evaluation of Out of Court Disposals for drug possession offences.
Bina was awarded a PhD in Sociology from Lancaster University in 2014 which explored the use of legal/illegal drugs, digital technologies, and its interaction with policing across three recreational settings. She has a Masters’ in Criminology and Criminal Justice from King's College London and a BA in Sociology from Royal Holloway, University of London.
Bina first joined ICPR in 2008 and has worked on a range of studies during her time at ICPR. Following her PhD, Bina re-joined ICPR in 2013 to work on a Dawes Trust-funded study exploring the nature and diversity of organised crime groups involved in fraud and a follow-up study, on the role and facilitation of organised fraud and money laundering by professional enablers. Since, Bina has worked on a Horizon 2020 European action-research project aimed at developing new and innovative technologies to enhance citizen perceptions of safety and security in the city, a study on language barriers in the criminal justice system funded by The Bell Foundation and an ESRC, eNurture Network study exploring young people’s digital lives.
Her research interests include organised crime, fraud, online fraud, legal and illegal drugs, drug markets, policing, and policy.
Bina lectures on fraud on the team-taught PGT module: Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice and is the convenor of the undergraduate optional module: Drugs, Crime & Criminal Justice.
A full list of Bina's publications is available here