
The negotiation of pleasure, risk and harm in young people’s digital lives: A scoping project on the mental health and wellbeing implications of online ‘transgressive’ behaviours


ICPR/Birkbeck in collaboration with The Open University, Surrey University and YoungMinds are undertaking a small-scale, scoping study on young people’s online ‘transgressive’ behaviour and the impact on mental health and well-being. Through youth engagement this exploratory project is interested in how young people define and navigate boundaries between ‘healthy’/‘unhealthy’, ‘risky’/‘safe’, ‘moral’/‘immoral’, ‘illegal’/‘legal’, online behaviours and how conceptions of ‘fun’, ‘excitement’ and ‘pleasure’ intersect these boundaries. The aim of the research is to develop policy and practice that better reflects young people’s experiences and lived realities.

The project will run from October 2021 - July 2022.


Nurture Network (eNurture)